A.B.L | Always Be Learning

They say it takes 21 days to break a habit and 30 days to let it take full effect. Consistency in anything is the key to success in business and life.

How you do anything is how you do everything!

I’ve been a student of success for over 40 years and built 7 figure businesses and helped dozens to build 6-8 figure businesses over the last 12 years.

One of the main things about successful people is their mindset. In my opinion, EVERYTHING starts with the correct mindset. “Stinking thinking” as my late, great Mentor Zig Ziglar used to say is probably one of the main reasons people fail. That, along with not following a proven system. There are so many business opportunities in the world today, some great, some not so.

I have always encouraged my students to find what they are passionate about then find a way to create a business around it. That way, as the old saying goes. ‘You will never work another day in your life doing what you're passionate about’

Most people have a hobby of some sort. Up to now, I have yet to find a way to not turn any hobby into an online business. People from raising iguanas to growing vegetables have created amazing lifestyles and incomes using my proven system. One thing they all have in common is the passion for what they do and the ability to always be learning. It’s said that to become an expert in ANY field, you need to study it for 10,000 hours. We are all different in how we take on information. However, there are only three main ways to study.

VISUAL: People in this group, the most common, like to learn by looking at videos, graphs, and anything visual like that.

AUDITORY: This group is where people find it easier to just listening to training materials like radio, iTunes, and anything where they can just listen and take in the information.

KINESTHETIC: These groups of individuals take on the information by actively getting involved in the process, such as role-playing.

I think the best thing to do is a mixture of all three. Depending on the situation I learn better when I sit down and watch videos. However, when I’m driving or running I use audio. I call my car my ‘ traveling university’. If I'm going on a journey I just load up self help audio from my Mentors and can get hours of training in whilst driving. I also, do it every day when I do my 6k walk, learning whilst keeping fit.

If you are in the early stages of deciding how you want to start an online business, or, maybe you have an offline business that with the current COVID situation realise that you need an online presence too. My advice is always to try to find a Mentor who is where you want to be. Make contact with them and see if they offer Mentorship, have training courses, books, audio, etc for you to increase your knowledge of what it is you want to learn. Then, watch, read, or participate in everything that they offer. You should commit at least one hour a day to studying. Keep this consistency for 30 days and you will see results.

The most important part is not just the learning but the ACTION that must be taken. You can read as many books as you like but if you don’t take action then it’s not worth doing it. On the other hand, if you follow the instructions and then take MASSIVE ACTION you will start to see results very quickly.

I use three things to get me in the right frame of mind.

  1. MEDITATE: In other words, find out what it is you want in life, NOT, what you don’t want. Always keep the result in your mind.

    If you don’t put your location and destination into a GPS, it will never get you to where you want to go. However, If you put them two co-ordinates in the GPS it works out the route for you exactly. This is the same with your mind.

  2. FACILITATE: This is where you build a blueprint for yourself using tried and tested successful systems.
  3. GENERATE: This is THE most important part of the process. TAKE MASSIVE ACTION.

    Without action, nothing else matters. However, once you take action and get the momentum going, it’s like pushing a snowball down a hill. A little hard to start, but, once it starts moving it builds momentum and gets faster and faster. The same is true of consistent action.

Once you learn and understand how systems and processes work, as long as you take action success is pretty much guaranteed in any niche or industry.

I’ve mastered many processes and systems over the years, but have had huge success with the ones I have put together myself. All the systems I use and teach others have all been tested, and keep being updated all the time due to how fast things change. This is why I like to get to know new clients. I want to understand them and their businesses so I can then offer them the best advice and solution to overcome their challenges.

My systems have worked for dozens upon dozens of different industries, whether it is service industries or products. I have worked with consultants, coaches, business owners, hobbyists, CPA’s, attorneys. To name a few. And all have grown their businesses exponentially with my easy to learn, easy to apply systems.

After 12 years in my industry, I am very pleased and honoured to be in the top 1%. I am more passionate about helping others today as I was the day I started. There is nothing like learning a skill and passing it on to others to educate their clients. That way the skills that are being taught will never die out, but, will grow as the years go by.

If you feel you would like to make contact and discuss how we can help you grow your business and get you into the top 1% of your industry then get in touch and lets schedule a call. And, I give you my word I will not pitch to you. As I've said it’s more important to build a relationship together first. It’s served me well over the last 40 years as a businessman and it will serve you too.

Stay safe and stay blessed
