Kevin Long, AKA

The Kindle King

Helping Business Owners, Consultants And Coaches Build High Performing Businesses Through Genuine Leadership In 90 Days.


Our Mission

Taking you from where you are to where you want to be.

Meditate (Mindset)

Replacing outdated intentions with natural thought leadership.

Facilitate (Blueprint)

Building authority and expertise on solid foundations.

Generate (Action)

Influential solutions using genuine leadership.


FACT: 80% of USA lottery winners file for bankruptcy within 5 years of their win. No matter how much they have won.

The main reason for this is their limiting beliefs regarding money. When you go from average to super-wealthy, if your mindset isn't at the 'super-wealthy' level you will subconsciously get rid of all the money, whether you buy material things, give it away, or whatever. This allows you to 'get back' to where you were before the win on a conscious level.

Therefore, people say 'The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer'. The main reason for this is that both groups do more of what they do. Rich have habits that make them more. Poor have habits that keep them poor.


If you're not happy, then we're not happy

That is why Global Gravitas offers all our clients and customers a full 100% money-back guarantee if we don't deliver on our promises in regards to our services.

Our systems and processes are proven over time. But, if you follow our instruction within our services and you don't get the results we say. Then we will give you a FULL REFUND, and, let you keep any materials we have given you over the High-Performance Facilitator program.